Hasta 21231 Protokolu 45653 Adi Soyadi KEMBAR SLAMET ROHADI T.C Kimlik terjemahan - Hasta 21231 Protokolu 45653 Adi Soyadi KEMBAR SLAMET ROHADI T.C Kimlik Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Hasta 21231 Protokolu 45653 Adi Soy

Hasta 21231
Protokolu 45653
T.C Kimlik 10000000000
Cinsiyeti Erkek
Bolumu Ortopedi Klinigi
Dogum Tarihi 12.02.1977 00:00:00
Gelis Tarhi 18.09.2013
Adres yurtdisi endonezya
Ev Tel: Cep Tel {530} 174-41-55

soldirsekte sislik ve agri: hareket ettirememe
bir gun once dusmesonucu yukardaki yakinmalari gelisen hasta ileri tektk ve degerlendirme icin kl. basvurdu
ozelilik yok
sol dirsekte sislik ve hareket ettirememe ve agri
Z00.O - Genel tibbi muayene
S52.1 - Radius ust ucu kirigi
S52.00 - Ulna ust uc kirigi, kapali

Yapilan Ameliyat: 611020 - Buyuk kemik parcali kiriklari,skopi kontrolunde,acik IMN
Yon: sol
Yapilan Ameliyat: 551340 - sedoanaljezi

Ameliyat ekibi: Doctor: Doc.Dr. Ayhan kilic 1. Asistan: Op.Dr. Egemen Ayhan
Ameliyat oncesi tani: Sol radius bas- boyun parcali kirigi+ mrdical kollateral ligaman yirtigi+ koronoid process kirigi
Almeliyat sonrasi tani: Sol radius bas- boyun parcali kirigi+ medical kollateral ligaman yirtigi+ koronoid process kirigi
Yapilan ameliyat: Sol radius bas-boyun parcali kirigi acik reduksiyon skopi altinda internal tespit
Sol ust ekstremite betadin scrub ile kopurtuldu,steril boyandi ve ortuldu.Sol kol turnikesi 200 mmHg sisirildi.Sol dirsek lateral kolon insizyonuyla girildi,dirsek eklmeine ulasildi.Radius basi ve boynu 4,5 cm proksimaline kadar izlendi.Parcali radius bas ve boyun kirigi 2 adet separe bassisz vida radius anatomik proksimal plagiyla 5 adet vida uzerinden tespit edildi.radius osteosentazi bitirdiktenn sonra dirsek instabilitesi degerlendirildi,anterior luksasyon ve medial acilma bulunmadigindan diger patolojilerin tespitine gerek gorulmedi.Kanama kontrolunu takiben anatomisine gore kapatildi.Uzun kol alci atel uygulandi.Turnike 90 dakika.

Kan kaybi yok

Hekim Adi Soyadi Doc.Dr. Ayhan KIlic
Hekim Tescil No 55935
Epikriz Basim Tarihi 18.09.2013 17:45:00
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Patient jesille Protocol 45653 Name Surname KEMBAR SLAMET ROHADI The ID card 10 billion Gender Male Department Of Orthopaedics Clinic Date of birth 12.02.1977 00:00:00 Arrival Date 18.09.2013 Address abroad Indonesia Home phone: cell phone {530} 174-41-55 EPIKRIZ FORMCOMPLAINTSsoldirsekte swelling and pain: the motion ettirememeHISTORYa days ago dusmesonucu above yakinmalari tektk forward and developing patient assessment to kl. It increasedOZGEMICSNo ozeliRESULTSettirememe and move the left elbow swelling and painCLINICAL DIAGNOSIS/DIAGNOSISZ00. General medical examination that-S 32.4-Radius top tip kirigiS 52.00-Ulna ust uc kirigi, closedAPPLIED TEDAVIYear built/reconstructed Surgery: 611020-massive bone parcali Khoo, fluoroscopy control, AB IMNYon: leftYear built/reconstructed Surgery: 551340-SedoSOCCER NOTESurgical team: Doctor: doc. Dr. Khanday 1. Assistant: Op. Egemen AlvaradoSurgery of tani: the left radius bass-neck mrdical collateral ligament kirigi + yirtigi + parcali coronoid process kirigiAlmeliyat after tani: the left radius bass-neck parcali kirigi + medical collateral ligament yirtigi + coronoid process kirigiYear built/reconstructed surgery: Left radius bass-neck parcali kirigi open tees, fluoroscopy under internal detectionLeft upper limb was painted with betadine scrub kopurtuldu, sterile and ortuldu. Left arm turnstile system 200 mmHg sisirildi. He entered through the incision of the lateral column left elbow, elbow eklme to ulasildi. The head and neck of RADIUS 4.5 cm proksimaline followed up. Parcali radius head and neck anatomical proximal radius 2 kirigi separe bassisz screws with 5 screws were found to be booted from the OK. radius osteo sentazi bitirdiktenn then elbow instability was evaluated, other than the absence of medial anterior acilma to heighten and pathology detection of failed to lead to a need for. Bleeding control the anatomy compared to disabled. Long sleeve gypsum was applied to splints. Turns 90 minutes.CIKARILAN MATERIALSNoBLOOD and BILSENLERIThere is no blood lossPhysician Name Surname Doc. Ayhan KhattakPhysician Registration No. hamedsalehiEpicrisis Lost History 18.09.2013 17:45:00
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Patients 21231
Protocol 45653
First name Last name Kember Slamet Rohan was
10 billion Identity
Gender Male
Department of Orthopaedics
Date of birth 02/12/1977 00:00:00
09/18/2013 Development Tarhan
overseas Indonesia Address
Home Telephone: Mobile {530} 174-41-55
EPIK We FORM COMPLAINTS soldirsek the swelling and pain: Inability to move emulates a day prior to the above dusmesonuc of their relatives on the development and evaluation of patients with advanced Tekt KL. Appl was OZGEMICS ozelilik no RESULTS inability to move swelling and movement in his left elbow and pain clinical diagnosis / ON DIAGNOSIS Z00.O - General medical examination S52.1 - Radius upper end of the fracture of the S52.00 - ulna upper end of fracture is closed treatments in the surgery: 611 020 - Large bone-part fractures in the control of fluoroscopy, open IMN Yon: left the surgery: 551 340 - sedoanalgesia OPERATIVE NOTE surgery team: Doctor: Doc.Dr. Ayhan sword Assistant 1: Op Sovereign Ayhan preoperative diagnosis: left radial head and neck-part fractures of + mrdical collateral ligament yirtig A + coronoid process fracture of Almeliyat after diagnosis: left radial head and neck-part fractures of the + medical collateral ligament yirtig A + coronoid process fracture of the surgery: left radial head and neck-part fractures open reduction fluoroscopy under the internal fixation was foamed with the left upper extremity betadine scrub, sterile height was and ortuldu.sol arm tourniquet was entered in the 200 mmHg sisirildi.sol elbow lateral column incisions, elbow attached Jermaine ulasildi.radius per person and neck up to 4.5 cm proximal to izlendi.parcal radius bass and after neck fracture with 2 separa bassisz screw radius anatomical proximal plage the determination of the 5 screws over edildi.radius osteosentaz the bitirdiktenn were evaluated elbow instability, anterior dislocation of the medial emergency when there is no the following to the need gorulmedi.kan up control detection of other pathology, anatomy, according to kapatildi.uz arm plaster splint uygulandi.turnik 90 minutes. extracted MATERIALS None BILSE those used blood and no blood loss Physicians Name Last Name Assos.Prof.Dr Ayhan sword Physician Registration No. 55 935 Epicrisis Print Date 09/18/2013 17:45:00

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
The 21231
Protocol 45653
T. C Identity 10000000000
Gender Male
section Orthopedics Clinic
Birth Date 02.12.1977 00:00: AM 00
supply Date Same as CUST INV 18.09.2013
Address yurtdisi indonesia
Home wire: mobile wire { 530} 174-41 -55

soldirsekte swelling and agri: motion ettirememe
A day before top dusmesonucu yakinmalari tektk - emerging patient forward and for the evaluation and Finally fell back on. There is no OZGEMICS
left-hand reseat swelling and motion ettirememe and agri
Z00.O - General medical exam
S52.1 - Radius upper track kirigi
S52.00 - Ulna upper three kirigi, indoor

in Surgery: 611020 - Large bone fragment kiriklari,Qafe Buall-Peshkopi , check,clear ıMN
Direction: left
the Surgery: 551340 - sedoanaljezi

Surgery team: Doctor: Doc. Dr. Ayhan Kilic 1. Assistant: Op.Dr. Ayhan
who met before Surgery: left-hand radius head-neck fragment kirigi mrdical kollateral ligaman yirtigi koronoid process kirigi
Almeliyat after met: left-hand radius bass- neck fragment kirigi medical kollateral ligaman yirtigi koronoid process kirigi
the surgery: left-hand radius head-neck fragment kirigi reduction Qafe Buall-Peshkopi , clear internally under the same roof If the left-hand upper extremity with betadine scrub kopurtuldu,sterile boyandi.left-hand lever and ortuldu turnikesi 200 mmHg are properly inflated.left-hand elbow lateral column insizyonuyla entered,elbow eklmeine ulasildi.Radius entrusted him with and neck 4.5 cm proksimaline until drew.Fragment radius head and neck kirigi 2 separe bassisz radius anatomical proximal screw with 5 screw through plagiyla mounting was.radius osteosentazi bitirdiktenn after elbow instabilitesi evaluated,anterior luksasyon and medial acilma bulunmadigindan other patolojilerin detection need was not seen.bleeding check following anatomy according to kapatildi.long lever ALCI Atel uygulandi.Turnstile 90 minutes. &

No MATERIALS were removed from THE blood and Finally BILSENLERI
Blood there were no reports of casualties there is no Ordinary Soyadi

Physician Doc. Dr. Ayhan Kılic
Physician Registration No. 55935
Epikriz Basim Date 09.18.2013 5:45: PM 00
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